Monday, October 19, 2009

Are You Living Your Dreams?

Every dream and every goal that you haven’t achieved is the result of your shadows. In the darkness are the things that we hide, the parts of ourselves that we can’t be with.

Think of yourself as a house with many rooms. Some of those rooms are vibrant with light and colour. There is a distant melody. But a few of the rooms are in darkness. You have passed by so many times that you no longer consciously notice the closed doors.

Although you deny and resist your unconscious self, there are constant reminders. That little voice in your head feeds off your fears with harsh words, self-judgments and lies and claims “victory” each time you retreat in defeat. It is the voice of your Saboteur.

Your Saboteur wants to silence your Soul.

Your Saboteur delights in telling you, over and over, that you are not enough. Guilt, shame, addictions and self-destructive behaviours are the means of control. This dialogue is more painful than the secrets you hide from, but the pattern has been set. And round and round you go.

In cloaking those rooms in shadow you have also closed off the gold, the magnificence of your full potential. For in every shadow and every painful memory or story, there is a gift.

And so, it is only when you have the courage to fling open the doors and face things exactly as they are, without fear or illusion, that the light will shine gloriously on the learning, the gift.

You will recognize your Path. You will hear your Song clearly.

You will begin to Live the Real You!

Do you have the courage to seek peace and to let your Soul fly?

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