Friday, August 28, 2009


Part 2

I’ve been down in the bunker dodging the gunfire. Tentatively I’m looking towards the horizon to see if the coast is clear. I’m sure you can relate! While down there I decided to practise what I preach.

Be still and reflect:
What is my purpose, my dream?
What’s working and what isn’t?
What is it that I need to let go of (because it is out of my control)?
What blessings am I most grateful for?

Overwhelm: is not real. It is about what is happening all around us in the moment; what happened in the past; what one “should have, could have” done and what one “should” be doing; and what didn’t happen. When one is truly in the present, the moment, overwhelm is impossible.

De-clutter your life:
Organize, sort and prioritize your physical environment and your work. Delegate what you can and release what is no longer relevant. De-clutter your mind by spending time in the stillness and quiet. Make space for what really matters to you and listen to your inner wisdom that speaks from the silence.

Be Present:
In this moment, which is all any of us really has, deeply breathe in the peace and calm and breathe out the stress. This will give you clarity for the decisions you must make and the actions you must take. Be present to yourself and to others. Listen.

Shift your perspectives:
Put on a new pair of glasses so that you can see what is happening with new eyes and clearer vision. What is another way to look at this situation? What is the learning, the gold in what has seemed difficult and disruptive?

Take yourself less seriously:
Hey, the universe is not out to get you! There really is some humour in the fact that I stubbed my toe, fractured the metatarsal and am not able to walk in this glorious summer weather! So, when all else fails, laugh. Throw yourself on the floor and laugh hysterically. It is healthy for body, mind and soul!

The business owner buys himself a job. The entrepreneur follows his dream with passion and purpose. He/she climbs the mountain stumbling, slipping, eyes focused on the glorious sun-caressed peak.

“Sometimes our light goes out but is blown again into flame by an encounter with another human being. Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light.”
Albert Schweitzer