Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Will Your Children Thrive in the "Mean" World?

More and more we are seeing, hearing and feeling the hatred, fear and jealousy that permeates our global world. It spreads like a deadly virus indiscriminately among us contaminating our minds, bodies and souls.

As parents and grandparents we fear for the future of our youth. The negativity is consuming creativity, hope, and happiness.

Now is the time to focus on ensuring that our children learn to connect with their own inner strength and are equipped to thrive and prosper and make a difference in the world.

What are the tools they’ll require to become leaders of their own lives and bring value to the lives of others?

Here are my 12 “C’s” for becoming a warrior of peace and heart:

1. Consciousness: Lift your head (from your computer, smart phone, etc.) and become aware. Be present. Show up.

2. Core Values: Become fully conscious and connected to your true values. Embedded there is your truth and your inner compass.

3. Communication: Become a great communicator. Technology is simply a tool and no substitute for the sensory connection we all hunger for. Connect with your words, your eyes and your heart.

4. Comfort Zones: Blast the walls that entrap you in the dead zone. Step out and differentiate yourself with all your uniqueness and gifts.

5. Challenge: Push the boundaries of your fears and break through the “status quo” to be a force for change. Stretch yourself.

6. Consideration: Good manners have fallen victim to the unhealthy speed of lives today. Consideration and respect can go a long way to calming the anger, chaos and frenzy.

7. Consequences: Learn to take full responsibility for your words, behaviour and actions. The “blame game” is cowardly and serves no one.

8. Curiosity: Add a healthy dose of scepticism, but nurture the natural curiosity of childhood. Be that child: open up to all the wonder, wisdom and possibilities.

9. Creativity: From curiosity flows creativity. The possibilities are limitless. Create with expressions of joy, beauty and, innovative ideas. Add value to the world.

My last three are, for me, the most important character traits we can instil in our children:

10. Commitment: This goes beyond thoughts, ideas, strategic plans and verbal declarations. Commitment is about action, transformation and measurable results. Without this nothing will happen or change.

11. Compassion: The Dalai Lama speaks of compassion as the greatest of traits. We were born to be gentle and loving. True compassion embodies responsibility and action and is universal in scope. It’s the antidote to hatred. He says, “The true expression of non-violence is compassion”.

12. Courage: The warrior is not without fear. He acknowledges his fears and his limitations. He stands strong and confident in his core values. He is armed to face his foes, yet have compassion for them. He is prepared to move through fear to create a better, more peaceful world.

Finally, sprinkle your life with Chuckles. And, don’t take yourself too seriously!

Are the young people in your life ready to take on the mean world?

Your Warrior Coach,

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