Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Intentional Goals Part 3: Creating the Powerful Plan

The feeling of your INTENTION is the power that drives your goals. It’s not just your thoughts, words or actions.

The focus of your ATTENTION is when your thoughts and energy are aligned with your Intention.

I can’t stress enough that to achieve Clarity for the above, you must clear the clutter in your head!

NOW you are ready to create your Powerful Plan.

1. Your Intention and your Goals must be written down. This is the first and most important step.

2. Written goals should begin with “To...” Example: "My intention is to be a catalyst for my clients to achieve more clarity, joy, fulfillment and success in their personal and professional lives. My current goal is to create a program that will assist my clients to clear the clutter that obscures their full potential and purpose.”

3. All goals must have a completion date.

4. It is the smaller goals that are most important because they are the Action Steps that will get you there.

5. Get clear and specific about the obstacles: write them down.

6. Be prepared and flexible about changing the goals or steps when necessary.

7. Stay with it! Check in with your lists weekly.

A slightly new twist on SMART GOALS:

Accountable (for living into the Big “A” agenda)
Resonant (fully honouring your core values, desires and true self)
Thrilling (compelling, exciting, powerful, big)

Be Bold; Be Real; Be a Warrior!

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