Monday, March 28, 2011

Courage vs Complacency

Look around you. Complacency is everywhere in our society. We tend to look to the news headlines for the courageous, the heroes.

Complacency breeds upon itself and spreads insidiously through all areas of our lives as we unwittingly give up our power and our will to create excellence.

Good enough or that will do becomes the standard of the day.

Why should you care? No one else does.

Complacency is a deadly disease. It steals your energy, your joy and your aliveness. It kills companies. It destroys economies. It diminishes and destroys your relationships with your partner, children, friends and colleagues.

Complacency fosters the acceptance of negativity, violence, self-centeredness, isolation and substandard quality in all things. It has crept silently into our education systems with the “dumbing down” of standards and the “numbing down” of mind and spirit.

So, who are the courageous, the real heroes?

The most courageous amongst us are those who commit to discovering who they really are and seek the best in themselves. They are the individuals who are committed to learning and changing the beliefs and habits and thoughts that are holding them back from fulfilling their dreams. They are willing to fight complacency.

Change is the hardest thing that any of us can do. It requires that we face our fears, our limitations and take responsibility for our decisions and our mistakes. It means letting go of blaming and making assumptions.

How do you overcome complacency?

Napoleon Hill says: Control Your Own Thoughts.

Focus on the thoughts that feel natural to you: positive, intentional thoughts that move you forward towards your goals and feel congruent with your values. When things don’t quite work out, don’t bring out the WHY hammer and beat yourself or someone else. Learn, change and continue forward.

Courage brings you freedom.

“Only those who risk going far can possibly find out how far one can go.”
(T.S. Eliot 1888-1965)

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