Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The 4th "C": Comfort Zones (or not)

Comfort Zones can feel....well, comfortable.  But, take a closer look. 

What is the emotional landscape in your zone?  What does your body tell you each day?  What is the dialogue of that verbal tape that runs endlessly in your head?

There is a deeper place in you that knows that where you are is not really where you want to be.  So, what holds you there?

Fear is the culprit that keeps you bound in chains – stuck, confused and often overwhelmed.  Your inner saboteur happily feeds off fear and wants you right where you are. 

What would you be doing if there was no fear?  Who would you be?

What if you could lean into your knowledge and instincts and step openly and calmly into unknown territory?

It’s human nature to resist change. Change is the hardest thing any of us can do.  To break free means to carve new neural pathways in the brain.  Most of our fears and habits are imprinted in early childhood as we seek meaning in our surroundings with a brain that is not fully developed to interpret the world.  Our reactions and emotions are triggered by current events that remind us of early emotional imprinting. 

What if each of us made small changes, steps, into creating a better world?

The good news is that science has proven that you are never too old to flip the switch and create new interpretations, break old habits and experience the freedom of new perspectives, unfettered by the past.

The process of change requires that you first become aware of where you are now in body, mind and heart.  Recognize and accept what you discover. Reorganize your thoughts and examine what you really want.  Create an action plan and then practise, practise and practise.  This is a process that is more difficult alone.  Find yourself a non-judgmental success partner.

Blast the walls that entrap your creativity and fulfillment in the dead zone.  Step out and differentiate yourself with all your uniqueness and gifts.

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