Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Do You Know Your Core Values?

I have absolutely no sense of direction and, the only person I know who is worse is my lifetime friend, Trudy.  Her husband swears we spent too much time in Lake Erie.  When I was working in Saint John a number of years ago, my son was afraid he’d never see me again!

Although I can easily become physically lost, I am grounded in my core values – my Inner Compass.  When I stray off that path, the alarm sounds and I know exactly where I need to return. 

When was the last time you consciously examined your values? 

Most of us are so entrenched in busy-ness, we simply don’t go there.  We often fail to hear the alarm. 

The alarm is incongruence.

The symptoms are anxiety, stress, sadness, irritability, sleep issues, physical illness such as headaches, gastro-intestinal disturbances or eating disorders, to name a few. 

When your core values become integrated with your beliefs and your actions, habits and behaviors, there’s a sense of freedom.  With freedom comes responsibility and trust.  Trust in yourself.

Do you really know the core values of your family members, your co-workers, your significant other?  Do your values line up with theirs?

Your Inner Compass is your Truth.  Core Values are an essential piece of the process of life coaching.